Welcome To Sahara Springs Limited
8am - 5pm

Sahara Springs


years service delivery

Welcome To Sahara Springs Limited

Simply put,we take the troubles and give you your peace.

We are a team with years of professional experience in finance, law and real estate management. We have seen and been involved in the everyday struggles experienced by prospective real estate investors, our team have also been involved in helping to solve various brickwalls met by these investors, however these mistakes are constantly made by many more.

This is why we embarked on this journey of giving peace to our teeming customers who have and wish to invest with us. Simply put, we take the troubles and give you your peace in all your real estate endeavours. We have taken out time vide our experienced team to map out fast developing areas in various locations, we the proceeded to purchase these land mass which have the capabilities of yielding massive investment returns to our teeming customers who have entrusted their monies with us. That is not all, we actually fastrack the development of our estates by converting them vide road constructions, street light installation and a patterned flower recreation of the estate.

Our Business

*We identify land areas with the potential to develop very fast.

*We analyze best estate options, using proposed government development plans/government projects or institutions.

*We move ahead of everyone else and acquire property rights over these areas and further improve the potential of the land, by commencing the development of the area via construction of roads, installation of solar street lights and lots more.

*We structure these lands to suit the convenience of our customers and we sell them at an affordable price.